What are the symptoms of onychomycosis?

August 12, 2024

Overcoming Onychomycosis™ By Scott Davis If you want a natural and proven solution for onychomycosis, you should not look beyond Overcoming Onychomycosis. It is easy to follow and safe as well. You will not have to take drugs and chemicals. Yes, you will have to choose healthy foods to treat your nail fungus. You can notice the difference within a few days. Gradually, your nails will look and feel different. Also, you will not experience the same condition again!

What are the symptoms of onychomycosis?

Onychomycosis, or fungal nail infection, presents with a variety of symptoms that can affect the appearance, texture, and structure of the nails. Here are the key symptoms:

1. Nail Discoloration

  • Yellowing or Brownish Color: The most common symptom is a change in nail color, usually to a yellow, brown, or white hue.
  • Dark Spots: In some cases, dark spots may appear under the nail due to debris or buildup caused by the fungus.

2. Thickened Nails

  • Thickening: The infected nail often becomes thicker than normal, making it more difficult to trim and more prone to discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.

3. Brittle, Crumbly, or Ragged Nails

  • Fragility: The nail may become brittle and easily break or crumble, often at the edges. The texture can become rough, and the nail might have an uneven surface.

4. Distorted Nail Shape

  • Deformation: The shape of the nail may become distorted or irregular, which can lead to pain or difficulty in performing daily tasks.

5. Separation from the Nail Bed (Onycholysis)

  • Lifting: The nail may start to lift away from the nail bed, creating a gap where debris and dirt can accumulate, worsening the infection.

6. Foul Odor

  • Odor: A noticeable, often unpleasant odor can come from the infected nail, especially in advanced cases where debris has accumulated under the nail.

7. Pain or Discomfort

  • Pain: As the infection progresses, the affected nail can become painful, particularly if it thickens significantly or if the surrounding skin becomes inflamed.

8. White or Yellow Streaks

  • Streaks: White or yellow streaks or patches may appear on the nail surface, indicating superficial involvement by the fungus.


  • Mayo Clinic: Provides an overview of the symptoms associated with onychomycosis, highlighting changes in nail color, texture, and thickness (Mayo Clinic – Nail Fungus).
  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD): Discusses the signs and symptoms of nail fungus, with a focus on the visual and structural changes in the nails (AAD – Nail Fungus).
  • Cleveland Clinic: Describes the common symptoms of onychomycosis, emphasizing the impact on nail health and appearance (Cleveland Clinic – Onychomycosis).

Recognizing these symptoms early is important for timely treatment, which can help prevent the infection from worsening and spreading to other nails or parts of the body.


Overcoming Onychomycosis™ By Scott Davis If you want a natural and proven solution for onychomycosis, you should not look beyond Overcoming Onychomycosis. It is easy to follow and safe as well. You will not have to take drugs and chemicals. Yes, you will have to choose healthy foods to treat your nail fungus. You can notice the difference within a few days. Gradually, your nails will look and feel different. Also, you will not experience the same condition again!